Saturday, June 1, 2013

Bachelor Party Extravaganza

Yesterday Udara & I walked around Bergen and ended up around the wharf area/Bryggen again.  We ended up having Indian food for dinner (When we couldn't find the Norwegian food restaurant we walked all over the place to find.)  Oh well!  That's what we get for attempting to make plans on this trip.  No plans = complete adventure and no disappointments.  Yesterday we also started a project which will hopefully turn out (If it does I will post it a few weeks after we come home)  Hope so, it will be pretty cool if it does!
Today (First day of June already?!??)  We met up with Anne Grete (Ina's mom) and Malene (Ina's middle sister)  in Bergen.  I'm glad they were able to make it down!! (Sorry for all the ridiculous snapchats everyone) We went to Peppes Pizza for lunch, yum!  But on the way to lunch is when we stumbled across a bachelor party.  The groom-to-be was dressed in a very extravagantly ridiculous outfit (wish we got a picture), he asked us to be a part of a sort of scavanger hunt by being in a large group picture.  So we are now in a picture with two groups of random strangers.  The picture when Katrine came to visit with the Asian couple and now the bachelor party.  Ina says that this doesn't happen in Bergen often...i'm not so sure....
Laptop battery is about to die, i'll post more pictures tomorrow!  Off to Paris on Monday, I can't wait to practice my French :)

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