Saturday, June 8, 2013

Paris by Metro

Udara & I have been using our metro pass to explore the city.  A few days ago we went to an inexpensive shopping area, on accident actually.  We got off at the metro station and we followed the signs for exiting, but I guess we took the wrong way, and ended up in a mall.  Oh no...budget spender's nightmare :(  We also found a place to get our ticket to Nice for the 19th, it was 9 Euros to make the reservation with our Eurail pass.  We will be taking the TGV, that should be fun!  Our metro pass ends Sunday...we might have to renew it, there is still a lot to explore! 

Fountain at the mall
Yesterday we went to the historical Maison de Balzac & Musée National de la Marine.  The second was interesting, there were models of ships from many different time periods and the first had a pretty good view of the Eiffel Tower.

One of the stamps used to illustrate Balzac's novels

One of the models & one of Napoleon Bonaparte's royal fleet
I have been loving the food in France...pain au chocolat, crêpes, quiche, baguettes, cheese...SO DELICIOUS!
Another view of the Eiffel Tower

Yesterday night we went to see The Great Gatsby, I forgot how good of a story that is!
Not sure what we are doing today, waiting to go see Notre Dame & Sacre Coeur for rainy days because they are inside (rain forecasted for next week)

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