Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Tackled under the Tower

Today Udara & I worked on trying to figure out our Eurail pass & which trains we need to make reservations for.  It is all pretty confusing so we figured out what stations we need to go to and we are going to go to the train station tomorrow to the Eurail booth to figure out which trains we need reservations for.  Maybe it's easier than it seems...
This afternoon we went to the grocery store....I can't get over how cheap the food is here.  Norway first was a good idea, start with the most expensive, it only gets better from there price wise!  We had sandwiches & chocolate eclairs....and I bought a reasonable amount of chocolate's delicious, chocolate infused croissant.  So much chocolate!!!

Obsessed with chocolate bread.

Tonight we went out...Paris at night is always interesting.  We wandered to a cool looking building which we saw a group of people sitting in front of with candles lit.  Udara, Nishadhie (Udara's cousin), and I were trying to listen and figure out what it was for.  Eventually Nishadhie asked a woman and she said it was a group gathered to protest gay marriage through we left.  Too bad it wasn't something worthwhile. 

We walked to the Pont des Arts bridge where people put 'love locks' which are padlocks locked on the fenced wall of the bridge. 

After, we took the metro to the Eiffel Tower area, we bought crepes and were eating them on the way to the tower when we heard whistles and cheering.  From the sounds at first I thought it was a street preformer.  As we got closer we saw a huge group jeering police officers and one break away out of the crowd, sprinting.  Six officers chased him and tackled him to the ground.  I have no idea what he individually did, but the people in the group were yelling at the police officers and marching towards them in formation.  It was a crazy thing to see.  After, many more police came and the crowd dispersed to blend in with the tourists around the tower.  Crazy!  I think they were chanting about oppression and anti-socialism.
Udara's Instagram Collage!


  1. OK, so help me come up with a good cover story for your mom that doesn't make it sound like 3 girls wandering around at random during nighttime in Paris that came across a riot. :-)

  2. Sorry can't help ya there, that's pretty much what happened :P
