Monday, June 3, 2013

Trapped in a Lobby

Udara & I are in Paris, we got in around 2PM (Europe time!).  Already I'm loving Paris and we have only gone to the grocery store, even the groceries are better in France (Sorry Ina, Malene, Katrine, Anne
Grete, Sondre & anyone else reading from Norway) it's the truth!  They have chocolate infused everything.  It's legit.
And of course, as seems to be the trend, our travel plans did not come without bumps.  This morning Ina & Sondre came to pick us up to go to the airport at 7:45 to catch our flight at 10:40.  Udara and I left right on time, had everything packed up and started walking towards the lobby to take the elevator down with our suitcase.  Before we entered the lobby, we dropped our key cards in the key card return for when the lobby is not open.  (It opens at 9AM).  We walked into the lobby and pressed the elevator button.  Pressed it again.  Still nothing, it is an older elevator so I just started pressing it a bunch of times.  Well, guess we aren't taking the elevator today.  Stairs it is.  But wait!  You need a key card to get out of the lobby and to the stairs.  Great.  We are trapped in the hostel lobby while Ina & Sondre are waiting for us and we have a flight to catch!  
We texted Ina to see if she could come in from the outside.  Sondre tried but you still need a key card to get in from the outside.

Meanwhile any time anyone walked by the door I knocked loudly on it hoping someone would open it!
No luck.
Udara sees a 'emergency security' phone on the wall.  Its a 50/50 shot that this phone is about to make a call to the local police and create a whole scene.  So we take the chance, talk to the operator and she puts us on hold while she finds more information about our situation.
(meanwhile I'm still banging on the door)
While we are on hold THANKFULLY someone opened the door!!! Woooohoooo!  I wanted to give that lady the hugest hug ever...but I didn't wanna freak her out so I decided against it.
Good thing, when the operator came back online she said that there wasn't anyone to come open the door to help us until 9AM.
After we got out of the lobby we lugged our backpacks and suitcase down four flights of stairs.

BUT WE MADE IT! (thankfully with no further complications)
Exploring the city tonight before dinner :)
We are trapped :(

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